Friday, November 14, 2008

Funny Stuff...

Ok, so, for those of you who have been here, you'll know what picture I'm speaking of...for those of you who haven't been here...we have lived in this house for over three years, and have quite an accumulation of kid pictures on the walls. However, in our bedroom, there are five pictures on one of the walls and they have been there the since we moved in. One of these pictures is of Ben and Greg, when they were 2 and 1 year old.

So, a couple days ago, Alex was laying in our bed around 6:30 in the morning. I had just gotten out of the shower when Alex nervously called my name. I came out of the bathroom to see what was wrong. He looked very seriously at me, and with great consternation, proceeded to point to that picture of Ben and Greg and tell me "mom, those little guys are LOOKIN' at me"! LOL! After I regained my composure (Alex was not amused by the way), I explained to him that that was Ben and Greg when they were little, just like you. He didn't get it, and quite frankly, looked at me like I was on crack. Poor little guy. I think he was traumatized. He actually has slept all night in his own bed since that day (he usually comes into our bed in the middle of the night. For those of you who don't believe in the family bed, I know, I know (I used to be one of you, now move on). So anyway, that's my funny story for the day.

On another note, Ben's last football practice was tonight!!! YEAH!!! WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! Except basketball practice has already started. But that's not EVERY FREAKING NIGHT like football is, so I can deal. They play the losers bracket of the championship tomorrow. Exciting stuff you know.

Oh, and did you know that kids in 6th date? I said, Ben, what do you mean by "dating" exactly? He said, you know, they meet at Wal-Mart or McDonald's. Whew, that's hot. Sounds like my kind of date...LOL!!!

But anyway, I digress...What in the hell is wrong with parents these days???? Kids are NOT supposed to be flippity-flippin dating in the 6th grade!!!! And I say parents because clearly, if the kids are meeting somewhere, the parents had to take them there, thus encouraging them... unless the kids are sneaking out and catching a bus or something (in the SIXTH GRADE), which leads me to a whole 'nother issue. This is a problem. Oy, I'm getting old.

Alright, I'm going to go. It was a looonnnnngg day at work, and of course, Ellie is sick AGAIN. Just a cold, but all the same, we will be up many times tonight you can be sure. Here she is in healthier days (well, if you consider eating a doughnut 'healthy'...we do around here. In fact I'm sure doughnut is a food group in our home). Love the witches hat!!!
Talk to you soon!
Love ya,

Monday, September 29, 2008

To Let Them, or NOT to Let Them...That is THE Question...and more!

So, apparently, my living in denial that my children NEED to use the internet has to go by the wayside. They have reports to write, and the internet is the ONLY place they can go to find the information that they NEED to write said report. Hm, well, not really, but it is the most CONVENIENT place! We all know about the evil that lurks on this wonderful resource we call the world wide web. However, I guess I am willing to risk their internet safety in lieu of making ONE MORE TRIP to the library. What a good mother I am.

However, they have been taught extensively about the dangers of surfing the net...but will they listen? Yes, we do have the parental block capability...ask me if I know how to use it though!?!? Actually, I think that I do have something on here, just not sure how good it is. I better get that up and running, huh?!

Very exciting news by the way...little miss thing FINALLY learned how to jump! Yeah! It's quite possibly the cutest little thing too. She's very excited about it too.

And Alex is getting rave reviews about his behavior at school. My little angel offers to help clean up, and has been taking naps, and follows directions very well. Actually I think they have him confused with some other little boy named Alex, because he certainly doesn't act like this at home!

Had a busy but fun weekend. It was Homecoming for the Englewood Packers! The day started at 6:00AM with decorating floats and vehicles for the parade, and then the parade started at 7:15. Threw in a soccer game for Greg at 9:00, and then came Ben's big game at noon...and they lost...big time. Oh well, Ben played very well. Had fun with Nana and Papa here to watch the big Nebraska game, and then did a whole lot of NOTHING on Sunday!

Sidenote...I need to get my fall decor out. I think I may go do that now. Kids are in bed. Although Ben put in a request for some clean football game pants for tomorrow, so I better get some laundry going first...pain in my a$$!!! However, the fact that he asked for his pants to be washed almost put me over the moon with excitement (he's worn the same dirty practice pants for about 8 days now...hey, he's in 6th grade...he can be resposible for getting his dirty, stinky, smelly, nasty practice pants into the wash! They are not allowed in my house, so he can get them as nasty as he wants!)
Well, that's about all I have for tonight. I shall leave you with a joke, straight from the mouth of Alex (who got it from the Backyardigans...gotta give credit where credit is due)..."Why did the chicken cross the playground? get to the other SLIDE!" HA HA HA HA HA
Gotta go wash those pants now...
Love ya

Monday, September 8, 2008

It's Been a Looonnnngggg Week...

and it's only Monday.

So, I'm exhausted (good idea, Lisa, play on the computer some more!). Ellie was up from 2:00-3:00 this morning for no apparent reason, other than the 101.6 degree temp, which she had apparent reason. What is up with that!??! Gave her Motrin, rocked for an hour, and that was it. She slept the rest of the night and was fine when I had to wake her at 7:15. She is on about the third round of this cold/allergy/whatever crap. Pretty much has been coughing, sneezing, stuffy/runny nose/draining eyes for about a month now. Think it's time to waste $25 for a Dr. visit? Anyone, anyone??? Opinion/advice please.

Besides that, just had some rotten news from all around. Work is crazy busy, and nothing can ever go smoothly. I just want one job to have no problems, no issues, everything where we all communicated effectively and did everything right! Think I'll be waiting for a while...? In case you hadn't noticed, I like to do this "..." a lot. Sorry if it annoys you, but I think that's how I talk. Matt says I type how I talk, so that must be it.

Kids are good (aside from the aforementioned issue), although I think that football is already starting to wear down Ben, and the season has just begun. He was up until 10:15 tonight doing homework, which is the second time in a week that has happened. He likes to think that he is a night owl, because Greg is (that kid could hang longer than I ever could!), but he's really not. Ben is a kid who needs his sleep. So anyway, they got mauled in their first game, 32 -0, but Ben played very well, both offense and defense, though I couldn't really tell. I'm too short to see over all those guys, and the top row of bleacher seats was full.

Greg had his first soccer game of the season on Sat., and they won. How couldn't they with a couple of Andre the Giants on his team!?!?!? These kids are 10 and 11, and I'm telling you, there are two kids, a boy and a girl, who are taller than me! Now I realize that's not saying much, but c'mon!!!! Greg didn't even come up to the shoulder of the boy!! What's in that kid's Cheerios???? Can I have some?

They both had dentist checkups today, and got raving reviews...of their behavior, not their teeth! Actually, they did just fine. No cavities to speak of (too bad I can't say the same for myself!), and Ben is brushing well, Greg is not.

Alex is finally adapting to being in Pre-K. He has two friends now, Seth and Brendan, and Seth and Brendan don't like to clean up. And Jessica is only friends with girls, so he can't be her friend. He loves to play bingo, and "lights"(whatever that is), and knows that when I leave him at school, I'm going to the store to buy him a treat, so it's OK that I go. Hey, whatever works I say! He's STILL sucking his thumb, but we are working on that.

Ellie is...still Ellie. Doesn't want anyone near her at school, but she does well with the teachers. She's really starting to talk so well now, but she has re-written the book on manners. She says "oo elcom" when you give her something, instead of thank you. Or she'll say both, "cank oo, elcom". And she knows how to give you "the Look"! It's hilarious, and she can even keep a straight face as we are laughing hysterically! That's pretty good. Last night I told her no on something, and she was sitting on the floor facing me when I told her no, and she promptly turned her body to face the other way, folded her arms across her body, and went "hmph!" and wouldn't look at me...laughing so hard I was crying.

Well, that's some of the scoop around here. Little miss thing is fussing...better go before she wakes the rest of the house!

Love ya,

Sunday, August 3, 2008

That's What I Get...

For trying to get a group picture!

Now, here's what's going on in this picture...Ben's composed and trying to smile and hold the little wiggle worm, Greg just said "OW" while slouching and trying to smile, Alex is "posing for the picture"..."like this, Mom?" he says, and Ellie's laughing because she just hit Greg on the head with the little shovel thing and he yelled ow, which she thinks is HILARIOUS, and she's trying to get down at the same time! Will I ever get a nice group picture???? Oh well, this makes me laugh...

SO things are crazy here, but nothing new. Football practice (Ben) starts tomorrow, soccer practice (Greg) starts next week, and we have two birthday parties and some fantasy football drafts thrown in there for good measure. And of course school starts on August 25th. Kinda late this year it seems, but what are you gonna do? Well, I guess I wouldn't know what to do if I wasn't running around like a chicken with my head cut off! I wouldn't have it any other way...well, maybe some days I would! :-)

Gotta go for now, laundry awaits!
Love ya

Monday, June 23, 2008

And We're Off...!

Started work today...just a half day. I was up too early, around 4:30, because I was worried that I wouldn't hear my alarm clock, or that it wouldn't go off, or something of that I was up, sort of. Drifted in and out of a light slumber I suppose until 6:00. Got up, showered and got ready, and my lovely little children, who usually wake ME up around 6:30 or so, were not even close to waking up at 7:15!!! Mind you, we need to be out the door by 7:30. So of course I had to wake them up, which is just about all of our least favorite thing to do! Grumpy, whiney children. That's what I dropped off at the daycare. Nice, huh? At least I didn't have to deal with them though!!!!

Alex wouldn't let go of my leg, and Ellie was screaming as I handed her off to Miss Teresa, one of my favorites. We gave the ol' daycare a test drive last week, and it went as well as could be expected. So at least we all kind of knew the teachers today. That helped. Alex didn't cry at all while I was gone, and had a lot of fun. Ellie didn't fare so well. She didn't really eat, didn't really play, just kind of hung out and/or cried :-( But I'm sure she'll come to enjoy it...soon I hope!

So back to work was nice, but a little boring. Naturally, as I expected, they didn't have a computer or a chair for me to sit in (this is simply how they have always been, unprepared!), and I arrived there approx. an hour before my boss got there. I did have the trusty ol' pile of paperwork to fill out. That helped pass the time. And here I sit, waiting for software to load on my computer so I can work from home. My boss had something he wanted me to get done today. Glad I only was supposed to work half a day! Oh well, I'm logging my time. At least I'm getting paid!

Talk soon,

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I'm Just Done...

So, we've spent over $2000 on my stupid mini-van to fix the A/C, and boy is it working great. However, in the last couple of weeks, we've noticed a burning oil or anti-freeze smell after turning the piece of crap off. No smoke, no leaks, no rising temp. Just a bad smell. So I take it in for an oil change today, and had to have a safety inspection (in stupid Missouri, you have to have your vehicle inspected every other year in order to renew your license plates). I also mentioned "the bad smell" my van needs another at least $1000 worth of work. Most of it is regular vehicle maintenance. However, after just spending $2000 just on the A/C and a couple of other leaks, it doesn't really seem to matter that it is just regular maintenance! I'm so sick of putting money that I don't have into a piece of crap vehicle that I don't even like! And it won't pass inspection until I spend at least $400 to fix the brakes and the whole tail-light assembly thing. So now I can't renew my plates either. Luckily I have until the end of July!
I'm done now, thank you...
By the way, the bad smell is a leaking valve cover gasket. Nice, huh?

Friday, June 13, 2008

Little Bug Problem

OK, so I HATE bugs...but they seem to love me and my house. Last year, it was the ants and waterbugs. This year, it is some unidentified little creature, and I mean little, almost microscopic. It's black, oval shaped, with two little short antennas. It crawls and hops, and they seem to mostly stay near windows on the back side of my house, which faces the northeast, I think. Anybody have any ideas as to what they might be, and how to get rid of them? I have those Terro liquid ant traps setting inside the sils of all my windows. Those have pretty much kept the ants out, but these little critters don't seem to take that bait.

I've sprayed Raid when I see them, but I hate spraying that stuff around my kitchen sink. And it only lasts until the next day, when a fresh batch has creeped in. What to do, what to do?

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Hi Ho, Hi Ho, It's Off to Work I Go...

Well, for those of you who don't know...I'm going back to work after two years+ of being a stay-at-home-mom. I've spoiled my kids rotten and I can't handle them anymore, so now it's someone else's turn! :-) So really, it's just time. I'm going back to Contract Furnishings, the same place I worked when we first moved here, over THREE YEARS AGO! Can you believe we have been here that long?! Time sure flies. So anyway, I'll be designing office spaces again, and doing some admin stuff. But I have a little softer schedule this time, working 8:30-4:30. Hopefully that gives me time to get home and get the big kids off to wherever they need to be...practice, game, concert, camp...whatever, and find time to make supper.
So Ben and Greg will be hanging out at home for the summer (maybe not for long...we'll see how they do), and Alex and Ellie will be going to a daycare center. It seems to be a really nice, fun, organized place. I'm just horrible at taking the kids outside (I bow down to the person or persons who invented climate control!), and at the daycare, they will get to go crazy on all kinds of slides and swings and climby things TWICE DAILY!!!! So excited! They seem to have a pretty good cirriculum as well, better than my school of Dora, Diego, Backyardigans, and the latest...the evil, stupid, lame, IQ-reducing Spongebob!! However, my dear friend Cathy pointed me to a GREAT show on PBS called Word World. It actually is a pretty good show, and they learn letters and sounds, etc. etc. all while being entertained. I had to go buy Alex "letters" so he can "build a word, let's build it, let's build it now...".

So anyway, I'm everything you can imagine I would be. Nervous, excited, anxious, joyful...I finally get to go to the bathroom all by myself!!! Don't have to check in with Alex before I go anywhere or do anything...but I'm sure I'll miss it at some point. My first day back is June 23rd, and I'll be just doing 1/2 days that first week, just to kind of ease into it.
Well, I'll try to keep in touch.
Pray for us...

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Happy Birthday!

Well, we've made it through THREE April birthdays in the Cave household, with one more to go next week (Greg). Everyone made out pretty well I think. Matt, however, got the short end of the stick. I thought I was being so cool and bought him his first HD DVD to watch on his BIG HD TV. However, I did not know that the stupid loud surround sound system he has does not have an HD DVD player, so basically my "Super Purchase" was worthless. AND he had to use the leftovers from Ben's birthday ice cream cake for his cake. No sense in buying two of the same ice cream cakes two days in a row, I say! But he did get the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, which is something he was wanting, so that's good I guess. And I made him some of his favorite brownies. But he likes the ice cream cake better so I pretty much handled the brownies that night. I've got three brownies hanging out on my hips, and a couple in my thighs...sorry, too much info!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Many Faces of Ellie Cave

The many funny faces of little miss thing! So cute I had to share! Enjoy!

Easter 2008

Hey Everyone!

Hope you all had a good Easter! We had fun traveling to Omaha, Sioux City, and Remsen to spend time with the extended family. We had a couple of Easter egg hunts, and the Easter bunny DID end up coming to Gramma and Grandpa's house, despite the repeated threats that he just may not bring anything to children who make bad choices! Apparently the Easter bunny decided that my children made good enough choices, although I begged to differ.

So the latest with Ben is that baseball is starting soon, I think in 3 weeks, so he is pretty excited to get things rolling. Also, his 11th birthday is right around the corner, April 17th, and he's having a pool party at the community center where Matt works out, and is inviting the whole class. That's a total of 42 kids! I'm sure they won't all be able to make it though, at least that's what I keep hoping for my sanity's sake!!! So anyway, 11th birthday...but I'm pretty sure he thinks it's his 13th. At least that's how he's acting. He was growing his hair out, ya know, because he's maturing, and that's the cool thing to do these days is for boys to have long hair. But with that hair growing came the growth of a major attitude! I'm so not ready for a pre-teen! The rolling eyes, the arguing, and giant sighs of, I'm so sorry!

So anyway, in our parent/child battle for control, I took him for a haircut yesterday. It's not quite as short I as I would like to see it (and crazy Matt wanted it buzzed!), but I had told him we'd compromise and I'd let him keep it a little longer. However, when all was said and done, he informed the hairdresser that this haircut was NOT a compromise. So I informed him that next time we will NOT be compromising and he will be getting a buzz. He changed his tune pretty quickly. He will learn sooner or later not to mess with me....

Greg's soccer season has begun and his team is 1-1. He doesn't seem to be quite as enthusiastic about soccer this season, but I think he'll get into it a little more when the weather warms up. For some reason, he's not really a fan of playing soccer in 40 degree weather! Greg's birthday is also coming up, May 7th, and we are not quite sure what we are going to do to celebrate his 10th birthday yet. He's pretty laid back about it, isn't too worried about it yet. He's pretty preoccupied with debating whether or not he wants to grow up. Seriously, he told me that. He's not sure if he wants to grow up or not, and sometimes his actions tell me he's going with the latter! However, he really is a sweet and caring boy, and generally learns his lessons from watching/listening to Ben get in trouble!

Alex is just as onery but cute as ever. His latest phrase is "Do you know what GRANDPA says? Grandpa says YES!" whenever he wants something that I say no to! And he told me last night that he had a problem. So I asked what the problem was, and he said, "the problem is that we have to go get Greg from soccer. I miss Greg..." Awwwwwww. Another funny...he kept telling me that he wanted to play with the "potato" in the front closet in the living room. I could not figure out what he was talking about and just told him no. He kept asking me day after day, so finally I had him show me what in the heck he was talking about...he wanted the Play-Doh! LOL! He also has a birthday coming up, number 4 on April 30th. He told me he wants a rocket cake for his birthday. I'll have to see what I can come up with!

And finally, Ellie is still Ellie. Drama queen, princess, loves to make fish faces and give kisses when she wants to get down. Her favorite things to eat are the Little Einsteins brand fruit snacks, and yes, they have to be Little Einsteins (or Backyardigans). I bought the cheapy ones and she wouldn't eat them! Little stinker! She's becoming quite adventurous, climbing up steps, sliding down on her booty, and she now gets up on the hearth, climbs over the arm of the chair, and sits in the chair as if she's climbed a mountain! So funny. Oh, and she likes to read books.
She's starting to say a few more words, but she generally doesn't say too much. She just screams mostly. We are working on that.
So that's the scoop around here.
Hope all is well with everyone!

Monday, February 25, 2008

Ellie's 18-month Check-Up

Well, little miss thing had her 18 month check-up today...she's staying right in the 25th percentile for her height and weight, and around 65% for her big ol' melon (head circumference), which she gets from her father! She's 22 lbs, 13 oz, and 31" long. So she's just our little peanut. I have to look, but I think Alex weighed that when he was like 9 months!!!

I also found out that she has an umbilical hernia, which apparently is quite common. It's not a big deal for those of you who don't know. We always just thought that she had an "outie" belly button, but as she is getting bigger, more prone to screaming and throwing tantrums and laughing really hard, it's making it bulge a little more. They usually resolve themselves by the time they are 3-5 years old as her abdominal muscles grow stronger. So no worries for now. I just have to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't get much bigger, red, swollen, etc., etc.

So anyway, that's all. She's doing really well altogether.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Oh yeah, Kimmy Beware...

I forgot to addition to all the other stuff Matt is doing, he has also been working out at the gym for the last two months, going at least 5 days a week for 1-1/2 -2 hours! He is looking HOT!! (not that he wasn't hot before, just a skinnier hot!!!)

I'm so proud of him. He's really sticking to it. He really feels good and is hinting that he is needing a few SMALLER additions to his wardrobe! Go Matt, go Matt, go, go, go Matt!!

However, everyone who knows Matt knows that he is a people watcher, and I think that is the REAL reason he keeps going. His gym is like a soap opera, and if he misses a day, he's all messed up the next time he goes! He literally creates names for people and gives them a story. It's hilarious! I anticipate him coming home every night just so he can give me the low down on the show!

Ok, but really what is keeping him motivated is my little sister Kim! She is an exercise maniac and works out like 3 hours a day! She's nuts, but good for her. She's in great shape, and I envy her. I wished that I liked exercise. I think I'd be good at it !:-) Again, good to have goals...

So anyway, Kim can work the stair-stepper forever, in fact, I'm sure she's the reason they've had to replace the stair-stepper at her gym! LOL! But really I think she does about an hour at level 10?? Well, Matt wants to take her on at Christmas this year! He came home about 2 weeks ago and told me he could take her on NOW, and was all geeked up to find out how soon we would be seeing her! I was like, uh, I'm not so sure you're quite ready. She does like an hour every day! He didn't believe me, so he just had to call Kim. After speaking with her, he's recanted his statement and his working hard every day to get there!!!

So anyway, kudos to Matt. You all should send him messages to keep him pumped up!!!!


Basketball and Ponytails...

So, I haven't kept up my resolution to post more often...sorry to those who live vicariously through us!!! LOL!

Well, basketball season is almost over. Greg's season ended last week with a winning record, but a loss in the first round of the tournament. Darn the luck. So Greg's passing the time by taking pictures with the camera he got for Christmas...

One down, one to go...

So Ben (#32) is playing right now as I type. Yes, I'm a bad mother today. I didn't go to what might be his last game of the season due to the fact that my toddlers are all but out of control at sporting events and I just didn't have the patience for it today. I did, however, go to what was predicted to be his last game last night!!! The team pulled it together and pulled out a pretty nice win for the first round of tournament play (it may have helped that the other team played with only 4 players for the first three quarters due to sick kids, but hey, we're not picky)! So anyway, if they win today, they play for the championship next weekend. Then basketball will be over for the season...just in time for baseball and soccer practice to start!!! Whew!

Although I have to say, since Matt has been coaching, I'm not doing quite so much of the running since he has to be there anyway, which is nice considering I have two little ones to get in and out of pain-in-the-booty but life-saving 5-point harness car seats! Car seats that, by Alex's standards, are "NOT BERRY COMFY"! He lets me know every time we go somewhere. So anyway, back to Matt coaching...he coached Ben's basketball this past season, he is coaching Ben's baseball team, and is talking about coaching Ben AND Greg's basketball teams next year! All the while working long and hard days to make sure that I can continue to stay home with the kids!! What a guy! He loves us, I know!

Speaking of staying home/working, I am actually going to be doing some contract design work for Matt's company, working from home. They are getting busy enough that Matt needs a designer SOMETIMES, so I will just log my hours and they will pay me as we go. I'm pretty excited!

And as for ponytails...Ellie got her first real one today! She's getting so big, and so stinkin' cute, but what an attitude she has!! She's talking all the time, but we don't really know what she's saying. Here's what's clear...Dada, Uh-Oh, Wow, Hi, OWWWWWWW, Juice, Cheese, Ball, and sometimes Mama. I think she also says please and thank you, but I only can tell by the context in which she says it, not by how it sounds!! She's generally been my very cautious child, but I've changed all that with one trip to a little playplace here. It's a little area in the Zona Rosa shopping mall and it has giant firm, but soft fake fruit for the kids to climb on. Well, she wasn't quite sure what to do at first, and really didn't leave my side for the first 20 minutes or so. However, one trip to the giant kiwi and it was all over. I had to pull her away from it kicking and screaming! She now climbs on EVERYTHING! And stands up on it like she has conquered a mountain! Pretty cute. Except her favorite thing to climb on here is the STONE hearth.

And then there's Alex, who is almost 4 years old if you can believe it! AND he just as onery as Ellie. In fact, I believe the two are conspiring against me. I believe he is teaching her everything he knows, and she is a quick learner! So anyway, I'm trying to get Alex ready for Pre-K, which he will start in the fall. There's a long list of things he has to know before he can start, and we have about 3/4 of them down. But I think it is going to take all summer long to get him ready. They expect him to be able to sit still and listen for TEN WHOLE MINUTES!! YES, ALL AT ONCE!!! He can't sit still for TWO minutes, much less TEN!!! But, it's always good to have goals, right?! Favorite new quote..."Do you know what Dad says? Dad says YES!" when he wants something that I have said no to! Oh, and another new quote..."Hey, what's the BIG IDEA?!?!?"
So anyway, that's the scoop around here!
Talk soon!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Alex...Does He Know Me or What!??!

Ok, so this won't sound as funny with me writing it as if you had actually heard it, but for those of you who know Alex (he's 3-1/2) and know how he speaks and inflects his voice, you might be able to hear him saying this in your head. So here's how the conversation went this morning...

I was changing Alex into his clothes, and yes, he still wears Pull-Ups to bed because, well, I don't want to have any more laundry to do than I already have. HOWEVER, he pretty much is dry every morning, so as I was taking off his dry pull-up this morning, I said, "Yeah Alex, your nighttime underwear is dry! Do you think it's time to start wearing these regular underwear to bed?" To which he replied, "Noooo moooommmmm. I can't wear these to bed!" "Why not?" I said. "Because I can't go to sleep!" So I said, "Well, but Alex, you don't pee your pants anymore, right?" "NOOOOOOO", he said, and as he raises his hand and points his finger in my face, he says, "That makes you verrryy Grumpy!" HA HA HA HA HA HA HA (I'm laughing in case you can't tell). It was soooo funny the way he said it, just very matter-of-fact, and he had his head turned and was kind of looking at me out of the corner of his eye. Funny stuff, for me anyway!

So that was my entertainment for this morning. He always cracks me up though. Yesterday, we got into the van and it was pretty cold. He told me that the van was too cold and so we needed to get a new one. "A new one!?", I said. He said "Yes, we need to pick up a new white car." WHAT?!?
And when our house gets too messy, (thanks to all of his toys of course), he tells me that we need to get a new house too! And when we are driving, he lets me know when the light is red or green, and if he sees a red light and thinks I'm not going to stop, he yells at me "Oh Mom, Mom, the light is RE-ED and it's not YOUR turn!"
Well, I could go on forever quoting things Alex says that make us laugh, but I'll let you go for now.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

It's About Time For An Update!

Hello All and Happy New Year!!!

It's been a while since I've last posted...sorry about that if anyone is a regular visitor (Jennifer!).

Lots has been going on since I last posted in August. We've endured a whole season of 4th grade soccer (Greg) and an even longer season of 5th & 6th grade football (Ben)! He had practice or a game every night of the week, and games on Saturdays! But it was fun and Ben is already talking about next season, so as much as he dreaded practice, he must have enjoyed it! They both are now playing basketball, and Matt is coaching Ben's team. For anyone who wants to come see them in action, most of their games are on Saturdays for the next 5 weeks. E-mail me if you want to make plans to come. We'd love to have you!

We had a crazy but fun Halloween in Omaha. My sister Chris got married to a great guy named Todd on Nov. 3rd, so we decided to head to Omaha for some trick-or-treating with Nana and Papa since we were going to be there that weekend anyway! The kids had fun and I think they wore Papa out! Ellie was a female Tigger (recycled Alex costume!), Alex was his usual Sportacus, and Ben and Greg were some random black robed scary things with sickles and sithes!!

The wedding was beautiful and perfect of course! We'd expect nothing less from our dear sister Chris!! All of the sisters were her bridesmaids so it was lots of fun! The wedding was at St. John's Church on Creighton's campus, and the reception was at the Tiburon golf club. Very elegant and beautiful.

Fast foward to the holidays...we were supposed to go to Sioux City for Thanksgiving but ended up staying in KC because my precious little Ellie woke up with PINK EYE on Wed. It was a very quiet but enjoyable Turkey day at our house. Matt made a delicious turkey and I made homemade mashed potatoes, corn, dinner roles... and what would be a holiday without Aunt Bonnie's famous Salted Nut Roll bars! Ok, they weren't actually made by Bonnie, I made them! They of course were not as good, but I dealt! And then there was good ol' Hy-Vee apple and pumpkin pie. We feasted all day and all night, played games and watched football. The boys helped us cook, they actually just peeled the potatoes, but they thought that was the funnest thing ever! Wow, I think I need to get them out a little more! OK, not really...

Christmas was crazy as ever. We went to Omaha and Colombus the weekend before Christmas and had a GREAT time with family and friends. Matt and I actually had a fun night out in Columbus with some GREAT and FUN friends while Matt's parents watched the kids. They didn't have so much fun. My "precious but very much attached to her mommy" daughter Ellie screamed for 2-1/2 hours while we were gone. I had her sleeping before we left, but Matt swears she can smell when I'm out of her range and wakes up! Poor Nana, she was a trooper and handled it well, and we are so grateful to her. However, I don't think she will be baby-sitting for Ellie for a while!! :-)

We came home on Sunday night so we could be home for Christmas day. We had some friends over on Christmas eve, and Christmas day was very nice. Thanks goodness Santa's elf had wrapped all the presents before we ever left, because she was way too tired to wrap them when we got home. That elf is such a genius! So, the kids all raked it in...that silly Santa, he must not have been really watching, because I was certain that they were all on the naughty list! Oh well, what are you going to do?!

Picture of Ellie in her beautiul Christmas dress on loan from Samantha Curtis. Thanks Samantha!!! Yes, she is getting into my lid drawer, one of her favorite things to do. However, she is definitely my daughter...she likes to pick them up and put them back after she has thrown them all out!

And one of Matt and I at my mom and dad's house in Sioux City. Yes, we look tired because we are tired! It's always fun-filled, late nights at the Block house!

And last one of the boys trying to put a gingerbread house together. Uh, it didn't work out so well! But it was fun trying!!!!

So, that pretty much catches you up on the Cave's! Hopefully I'll do a little better job blogging in 2008! I know you all have nothing better to do than read my ramblings!!!!

Best wishes for a safe, happy, prosperous new year!
