and it's only Monday.
So, I'm exhausted (good idea, Lisa, play on the computer some more!). Ellie was up from 2:00-3:00 this morning for no apparent reason, other than the 101.6 degree temp, which she had apparent reason. What is up with that!??! Gave her Motrin, rocked for an hour, and that was it. She slept the rest of the night and was fine when I had to wake her at 7:15. She is on about the third round of this cold/allergy/whatever crap. Pretty much has been coughing, sneezing, stuffy/runny nose/draining eyes for about a month now. Think it's time to waste $25 for a Dr. visit? Anyone, anyone??? Opinion/advice please.
Besides that, just had some rotten news from all around. Work is crazy busy, and nothing can ever go smoothly. I just want one job to have no problems, no issues, everything where we all communicated effectively and did everything right! Think I'll be waiting for a while...? In case you hadn't noticed, I like to do this "..." a lot. Sorry if it annoys you, but I think that's how I talk. Matt says I type how I talk, so that must be it.
Kids are good (aside from the aforementioned issue), although I think that football is already starting to wear down Ben, and the season has just begun. He was up until 10:15 tonight doing homework, which is the second time in a week that has happened. He likes to think that he is a night owl, because Greg is (that kid could hang longer than I ever could!), but he's really not. Ben is a kid who needs his sleep. So anyway, they got mauled in their first game, 32 -0, but Ben played very well, both offense and defense, though I couldn't really tell. I'm too short to see over all those guys, and the top row of bleacher seats was full.
Greg had his first soccer game of the season on Sat., and they won. How couldn't they with a couple of Andre the Giants on his team!?!?!? These kids are 10 and 11, and I'm telling you, there are two kids, a boy and a girl, who are taller than me! Now I realize that's not saying much, but c'mon!!!! Greg didn't even come up to the shoulder of the boy!! What's in that kid's Cheerios???? Can I have some?
They both had dentist checkups today, and got raving reviews...of their behavior, not their teeth! Actually, they did just fine. No cavities to speak of (too bad I can't say the same for myself!), and Ben is brushing well, Greg is not.
Alex is finally adapting to being in Pre-K. He has two friends now, Seth and Brendan, and Seth and Brendan don't like to clean up. And Jessica is only friends with girls, so he can't be her friend. He loves to play bingo, and "lights"(whatever that is), and knows that when I leave him at school, I'm going to the store to buy him a treat, so it's OK that I go. Hey, whatever works I say! He's STILL sucking his thumb, but we are working on that.
Ellie is...still Ellie. Doesn't want anyone near her at school, but she does well with the teachers. She's really starting to talk so well now, but she has re-written the book on manners. She says "oo elcom" when you give her something, instead of thank you. Or she'll say both, "cank oo, elcom". And she knows how to give you "the Look"! It's hilarious, and she can even keep a straight face as we are laughing hysterically! That's pretty good. Last night I told her no on something, and she was sitting on the floor facing me when I told her no, and she promptly turned her body to face the other way, folded her arms across her body, and went "hmph!" and wouldn't look at me...laughing so hard I was crying.
Well, that's some of the scoop around here. Little miss thing is fussing...better go before she wakes the rest of the house!
Love ya,