Saturday, February 6, 2010

So Not Ready for This...

My 3 year old little girl just told me that she does NOT need to sit in her booster seat ( at the kitchen table, not the car seat) anymore because she is too big...SIGH. Where did my baby go?

And when I've been gone running errands and I get home, she gives me a big hug and says "oh mama, I'm so glad ur home!". So sweet.

And Alex just asked me for a dessert, and Ellie answered him with "maybe tamowo (tomorrow) Alex, maybe tamowo". She's such a little mom to Alex. It's pretty comical.

So Ben got the dreaded "pink slip" from school yesterday...wanna know what for?!?! Sticking his tongue out and blowing a raspberry at the teacher! Yes, my soon to be 13 year old son did this, no joke. WTH!!?!? OY...C'MON Ben...really? That's the best you got? I mean, if you are going to get a pink slip, at least make it for something good, like punching your bully or something! LOL! JUST KIDDING. Sort of...anyway.

Greg had checkup yesterday, and he's way too skinny for his height. Think we all already knew this. The Dr.'s like, well, how are we gonna pack the pounds on this kid!?!? I'm like, can I give him some of mine??? I've got plenty to spare! He thought that was a great idea, but didn't know how we'd execute that plan! LOL! Can you believe that?!! Who would have ever thought I would have a kid that needed to PUT ON weight!!??? Oh well, this will be a lot more fun than trying to get weight OFF, huh?!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

More Big, Hot News!!

Alex, my little Alex...lost his first tooth (a few days ago, I'm a little behind)!!! It was a long time coming though! The thing has been loose for like 6 months!! OK, maybe not quite THAT long, but it seems like it. I finally had to pull it out because he wouldn't do it, and it was just hanging on by a...well, anyway, I just grossed myself out so I won't say it. But you get the picture. He was not terribly thrilled with me, as I pulled it when he least expected it. He was engrossed in watching Spongebob, and I told him I just needed to check it and see how loose it was. Gave it a yank, and out it came! Ew.

In fact, as you can see, his new tooth is already growing in! It was already coming in behind the old tooth! That couldn't have felt very good, but he never complained, so I had no idea.

So he got $1.25 from the tooth fairy. Is that a good rate these days, or is my tooth fairy cheap!?!? Oh well, he was happy that he got "one dollar and one coin"! He went and woke everyone up to show them. Ben and Greg were not impressed...

Ok, new funny Alex story...our church has children's bulletins, and at the end of mass, before the priest walks out, he is supposed to call the little kids up to the front to get one. Well, he forgot today, so he was handing them out as he walked out. The priest saw Alex and handed him a bulletin, which has word puzzles, mazes, etc. So we get into the van and Alex tells me "mom, these games are going to be really easy!" And I said "what games, Alex"? And Alex says "the games that GOD handed me today"! HA HA HA HA HA!

Well, I think that's all for now. I'm going to go bake some M&M cookies. Aunt Bonnie's recipe out of the Remsen cookbook. I just found it a few weeks ago, and it is WONDERFUL! Best cookies I've ever made. I'm sure they are not quite as good as Bonnie would make them, but they don't last too long around here, so they must not be too bad! Thanks Bonnie. I'm addicted. Seriously, have a problem. I've got ten cookies hanging out on my left hip, seven cookies on my right hip, seventeen on my stomach...I seriously even made a special trip to Hy-Vee one week to specifically get M&M's and butter flavored Crisco. That's a PROBLEM...but a tasty one!!!

Love ya,


Thursday, January 21, 2010


(Disclaimer: for those of you who are not parents to toddlers or older, this may be a bit much for you. Continue reading at your own risk.)

Well, she's finally done it. The task at hand is complete. Dare I speak it, will I jinx it...hmmm, well, ok, well, here goes...I think...Ok, I'm not going to speak it for fear of jinxing it, so I'm just going to think it (and type it, but typing is not the same as speaking. What?! It's not!) OK, I think ELLIE.IS.FINALLY.POTTY.TRAINED! There it is folks. It only took 3 1/2 years, but I think she finally has got it!

I know, I know, you can hardly contain your excitement, but please try.

We've had #1 down for a while, but #2, well, not so much. However, apparently she was only saving those doozies for me! She's been going on the toilet at daycare for several weeks, little stinker! But tonight, ah, on this glorious night, I asked her to go potty before bedtime, and she went in all by herself. She took a little longer than usual, so I got up to go check on her and she came out and proudly proclaimed "Mama, I POOPED!" and went on with her business. I, on the other hand, began jumping up and down and gushing all over her and praising her. She said "Aw, thanks mama. Uh, mama, why you jumping up and down??" HA HA Ha!

I'm so excited. And yet so baby girl is growing up. She doesn't let me rock her much anymore, she only wants barrettes in her hair, she wants to comb her own hair, tucks it behind her ears...She sings and appropriately interacts with the song "Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar" (which I will record and post for you soon. It is hysterical!), jumps right in and plays with the boys, and is soon going to go to PreSchool at the big kids' school.

(Sigh) Where did the time go. Why it was just yesterday that I wore a path in the carpet around the dining room table trying to get her to stop crying, only yesterday that I carried her everywhere with me because she SCREAMED when I put her down. Only yesterday that I threw out 14 jars of opened baby food that had one bite taken out of them because she hated them all...hmmm, well, maybe I'm not so sad that she's growing up! LOL!!! JUST KIDDING!!

She was a wonderful baby (minus the aforementioned parts!) and she has been such a joy and blessing to us. The boys all adore her. She makes all of us laugh every day. Her teachers at her daycare call her their little ray of sunshine (good thing I didn't take her there when she was an infant. They might be calling her something else! LOL!)
Ok, I'm done cheezin' now. Just wanted to share my joy and excitement...the boys didn't really quite get it (cuz they didn't have to change her poopy pants every damn night)!
Oh, I do have a funny little quip from Alex...picked him up from after care, driving to go get Ellie, when out of the blue he says "Mama, why don't you drink milk?"
Me-"Hmmm, well, uh, that's a great question Alex. I guess it's because I don't really like it very much."
Alex-"but Mama, it's very good for you".
Me-"yes Alex, you are right...well, I put it on my cereal. Does that work for you?"
Alex-"well, I guess that's alright."
The end...
Peace out.
"Oh, by the way, the tree is down..."