Friday, November 14, 2008

Funny Stuff...

Ok, so, for those of you who have been here, you'll know what picture I'm speaking of...for those of you who haven't been here...we have lived in this house for over three years, and have quite an accumulation of kid pictures on the walls. However, in our bedroom, there are five pictures on one of the walls and they have been there the since we moved in. One of these pictures is of Ben and Greg, when they were 2 and 1 year old.

So, a couple days ago, Alex was laying in our bed around 6:30 in the morning. I had just gotten out of the shower when Alex nervously called my name. I came out of the bathroom to see what was wrong. He looked very seriously at me, and with great consternation, proceeded to point to that picture of Ben and Greg and tell me "mom, those little guys are LOOKIN' at me"! LOL! After I regained my composure (Alex was not amused by the way), I explained to him that that was Ben and Greg when they were little, just like you. He didn't get it, and quite frankly, looked at me like I was on crack. Poor little guy. I think he was traumatized. He actually has slept all night in his own bed since that day (he usually comes into our bed in the middle of the night. For those of you who don't believe in the family bed, I know, I know (I used to be one of you, now move on). So anyway, that's my funny story for the day.

On another note, Ben's last football practice was tonight!!! YEAH!!! WOOOOHOOOOOO!!!! Except basketball practice has already started. But that's not EVERY FREAKING NIGHT like football is, so I can deal. They play the losers bracket of the championship tomorrow. Exciting stuff you know.

Oh, and did you know that kids in 6th date? I said, Ben, what do you mean by "dating" exactly? He said, you know, they meet at Wal-Mart or McDonald's. Whew, that's hot. Sounds like my kind of date...LOL!!!

But anyway, I digress...What in the hell is wrong with parents these days???? Kids are NOT supposed to be flippity-flippin dating in the 6th grade!!!! And I say parents because clearly, if the kids are meeting somewhere, the parents had to take them there, thus encouraging them... unless the kids are sneaking out and catching a bus or something (in the SIXTH GRADE), which leads me to a whole 'nother issue. This is a problem. Oy, I'm getting old.

Alright, I'm going to go. It was a looonnnnngg day at work, and of course, Ellie is sick AGAIN. Just a cold, but all the same, we will be up many times tonight you can be sure. Here she is in healthier days (well, if you consider eating a doughnut 'healthy'...we do around here. In fact I'm sure doughnut is a food group in our home). Love the witches hat!!!
Talk to you soon!
Love ya,

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