Friday, June 13, 2008

Little Bug Problem

OK, so I HATE bugs...but they seem to love me and my house. Last year, it was the ants and waterbugs. This year, it is some unidentified little creature, and I mean little, almost microscopic. It's black, oval shaped, with two little short antennas. It crawls and hops, and they seem to mostly stay near windows on the back side of my house, which faces the northeast, I think. Anybody have any ideas as to what they might be, and how to get rid of them? I have those Terro liquid ant traps setting inside the sils of all my windows. Those have pretty much kept the ants out, but these little critters don't seem to take that bait.

I've sprayed Raid when I see them, but I hate spraying that stuff around my kitchen sink. And it only lasts until the next day, when a fresh batch has creeped in. What to do, what to do?

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