Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Tree is Up

It only took THREE HOURS, but the tree finally made it up! And it's very pretty (I think anyway) and was worth it. In case you are wondering how in the hell it could take 3 hours...well, I was enamoured by it's beauty (and slightly lower price) in the store, so I failed to look at how you assemble the stupid thing. It's a seven footer, and each branch has to be placed, on like 20 thousand different levels!! Ok, not really that many, but you get my point. And so, for three hours, I fluffed, and pulled, and yanked, and twisted, and got every stinkin' branch shaped and positioned so my tree appears to be nice and full.

And then there were the lights...oh, the lights. I think every year I have a set that is burned out. Grrrrrr. Luckily I had to enough to get us by (just don't look at the very top of my tree!). The red lights really don't show up in that picture. I wonder why?

And then there was the joy of trying to keep 4 children from eating all of the candy canes...oh the joy of the Christmas season!!! Fun times, fun times...

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