Saturday, July 21, 2007

It's About Time...!!!

Ok, so Alex is FINALLY potty trained! Yeah! He hasn't had any daytime accidents in 3 weeks, and no nighttime accidents for about 1 week now. It only took him about 3 weeks to figure it out, and let me tell you, it was a very, very, very long 3 weeks for me! I almost gave up. But then the thought of changing his big ol stinky booty diapers gave me the strength to endure. And now I sure am glad that I did. I think we might even be almost ready to put away the little potty chair too! I think he's moved on to the "big poopin' chair", as he calls it. We are so proud of him!

As for Miss Ellie, she is FINALLY completely weaned to the bottle. Yes, I know, I said I would never be able to breastfeed for that long, but, uh, yeah. So anyway, she is digging it and so am I. She is also loving trying all kinds of new foods, particularly whatever happens to be in my hand. I think her favorites so far are pasta sauce and mozzerella cheese...good combination! She also likes yogurt and chocolate chip cookies quite a bit. She's sleeping pretty well through the night now...knock on wood...only gets up once or twice. Yes, sadly, that is really good for my Ellie. Used to be every two hours or so.
She's still not crawling or walking, but she is finally trying to get up on her hands and knees. She actually is really good at scooting on her booty while she is sitting. She gets around most of the living room that way! It's pretty funny. And she can scoot backwards on her belly. But she is standing at things all by herself, and sometimes lets go to stand alone for a second. She'll also take steps if she's holding my hands.

So, lots of exciting milestones for my babies this month. It's so awesome, but kind of sad too. They grow up so fast, and lots of days, I can't wait for the next milestone. Some days I want them to stay little. No, this does not mean that I will want more!

As far as the big ones go, they are into the full swing of summer and starting to talk about going back to school. They are enjoying playing outside with the neighbors, doing a little swimming, playing video games, and watching movies. They also have been practicing their handwriting and math (thanks to Auntie Jennifer), and have been given some chores that they have to complete every day. They are not so fond of this, but we are trying to teach them a little responsibility.
Ben is going to be playing fall baseball on a team that Matt has put together, and we aren't sure if Greg will be playing baseball or soccer. He's "getting bored of soccer", he says, and would like to try baseball again, even though he didn't like it last year. We'll let you know how that works out!

Well, that's all the excitement around here I think.
Talk soon,

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Such big kids we have now! YAY for all they're accomplishing, and thanks for sharing! See you soon! Love, CC